Hey all!
Thank you for those who took the time to email me a little bit! It really meant a lot. It's been a really...rough week. Sister Douros and I have both been in this weird funk and we couldn't seem to get ourselves out of it. We had a couple of late nights, as we talked about it, and tried to figure things out. And then, we both ate some bad food (don't eat Chinese food from Safeway...a member fed us some, and we were MISERABLE) so that added to the chaos of the week. But, it truly is amazing to see the Lord's hand in all things, to see what happens when we petition to Him. Sunday, we some a series of miracles for one particular investigator, and it was absolutely amazing to see, and it was just the push that we need to get the two of us out of our funk.
Thursday, we had an...interesting adventure. We have a potential investigator who's a hoarder. The last time we stopped by her house, she made mention of wanting to get the washing machine that was on the porch into her house, but she had to clean up some stuff, first. (And by some stuff...it was actually A LOT.) So, Sister Douros, being the kind soul that she is, offered to help her clean! So, Thursday, we stopped by to start cleaning. It took us an hour and a half, just to clean off her porch - and her porch is NOT very big. So, we filled up several trash bags, and much to our dismay, we found a dead cat. I won't get super descriptive...but it was disgusting and traumatizing. It had to have been there for several months. It put Sister Douros off of food for over 24 hours, and she didn't start feeling better until she saw a live cat the next day. It was really rough. We're actually going back next week to help again...I'm not much help, really. I just stand there and hold the garbage bag for Sister Douros. I'm too disgusted and overwhelmed by everything to be much help, but Douros is a trooper and is patient and says as long as I hold the trash bag for her, it's fine.
So, between our funks and our digestive problems, it's been a rough week. We've definitely had better. But, in reality it has strengthened our companionship even more; we have a greater trust and love than before, and we know we care about each others' growth. I think great things are going to happen in the next few weeks. We are going to see miracles! In fact, we already have seen miracles. Sunday was absolutely wonderful.
First, we had a recent convert, John, who hasn't been able to come to church because of work, show up, out of the blue. Now, we didn't any investigators come, which bummed us out, but that was a tender mercy for us, and a HUGE blessing for John.
Second, the people who were supposed to feed us for dinner weren't at church and I said something to a girl in the ward, Rachel Fry (she's 17 years old, and one of my favorite members in the ward) and she was like, "Just come over to our place for dinner!" So we talked to her mom and made the plans for dinner.
Third, the family who signed up to feed us originally actually WERE in town, so we ended up getting two dinners...
Fourth, when we out knocking doors, we were getting some pretty harsh rejections. I was getting frustrated, though I kept it to myself. And, we were super hot and thirsty, and Sister Douros was like, "PLEASE let someone offer us some cold water!" The next place where someone was home, they were nice, let us talk with them and pray with them (which meant we were able to get a lesson) and then offered us some water. It was pretty legit.
Fifth, when we went to the Fry's for dinner, we saw parked outside their house the car of one of our investigators, Erica. She was a referral from them from a couple months ago. She moved and had a baby, so we haven't been able to actually meet with her to teach her, since her life has been super chaotic. So, we go in and are able to talk with everyone a bit, and Erica was like, "Oh, Sister Root, will you sing that song you sang at church, and I wasn't able to hear?" (Did I tell you guys I sang at church? It was the last Sunday of my first transfer. I sang One Voice.) I happened to start carrying that song inside the Jon Schmidt piano book, which I kept in the car. So, I was able to sing it for her. The funny thing was, I remember when I was practicing the song before I sang it in church, I started thinking about Erica; she didn't show up to church when I sang it, so I dismissed the thought...but it turns out I was still able to sing it for her.
Sixth, Erica asked for a blessing. On her own accord. For herself and her kids. And, she invited us to be present as they were given. The blessings were very powerful. I was very grateful to be present. And then, after Erica received her blessing, Sister Douros looked at me and said, "We need to put her on date. She needs to be baptized." So, after everything was done and ready, we invited her to be baptized on August 3rd. She said she still wasn't sure if baptism was right - she had already been praying for it!! So, we told her to pray for that specific date. It's wonderful. She's so ready, she just needs to put her trust wholly in God. She has a lot of concerns about what might happen if she joins the church. I pray that the spirit will calm her fears and worries. Please pray for her, as she searches for her answer. She is an amazing woman, and I feel so much love and care for her. I want to see her, not only baptized, but go through the temple. She's ready, she needs it, and her KIDS need it. They are destined for great things, I feel it and I know it.
Ah, you guys, this work is incredible. It's hard, and I get homesick, and I get tired, and I lose motivation, but this work is REAL! Miracles have happened, more than I can count. The Lord is preparing these people. In reality, we have done nothing to help Erica; it's all been the Frys. I would encourage everyone who reads this, whether from email or from blog, to ready Elder Andersen's talk from last conference, entitled, "It's a miracle!" And then pray about how it applies to your life. Because there ARE people you are in contact with that the Lord is preparing to receive the Gospel. And missionaries need YOUR help to find the elect! They are out there, they are prepared, and they are waiting! They just need to be found!
I love you guys! This is the best work ever, and I'm so happy to be ourt here. Thank you for your love and your prayers. I love you so much!!
Sister Beth Ann Root!
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