Hey all!
Well, it was a great start to a new transfer! We were able to get a few new investigators. One of them already dropped us...but that's ok, because the other 2 are pretty solid! We're really excited! One of them is Carlos Llamas. I can't remember if I've talked about him before. He's the nephew of a nonmember family in the ward. The ward council asked us to visit them one week, so we did! Lo and behold, they have a nonmember nephew living with them. Who knew?! We asked him if he wanted a Book of Mormon, and he said sure! Then we asked him if he would like us to come back and teach him more about what we believe, and he said sure! We're pretty stoked. We taught him the Restoration this week, and it was way cool. He's open, but is a little bit timid. It's ok, though, because his family is getting pretty pumped about it. We're hoping it will encourage them to come back to church, as well. We're seeing them again on Wednesday, and we're pretty excited for what's going to happen.
Our other new investigator was Levi. I can't remember if I've talked much about him, either. Sister Bayles and I found him and his fiancé, Alyssa, accidentally! We were trying to contact a less active in the ward, who apparently has moved. So, instead, Alyssa answered the door! she let us know that she was a convert, but hasn't really been back to church in awhile - her life took a turn for the worst, and she just kinda started living a way different lifestyle. she's living with her fiancé, Levi, and she would love for him to be taught, and she wants to be taught, as well, because she doesn't really know/remember a whole lot. So, for the past month or so, we've been struggling to get in touch with her - she did just have a baby, so that always complicates things. So, I decided to buy some diapers (diapers soften hearts faster than any other gift, I've discovered) and we left them on their doorstep. A couple days later, Alyssa texts us, thanking us for the diapers, and asking if we can stop by that week. We did, and Levi officially agreed to have us teach him! We're teaching them tonight. We're so excited! They're at a really tough place in life, right now. They have a lot of stress, and a lot of hardship, but I just KNOW that if they start aligning their life to the gospel, it will bless them and make things better for them. I'm so excited to see what will happen!
We also found out that a couple of our investigators might have cancer...it's humbled them, but they're terrified. Please keep Susan Emory and Karen in your prayers!
Because of the scare, though, Susan, who has been INCREDIBLY flaky, lately, finally set up a time to meet with us and didn't bail on us. She wanted the extra boost. It was really cool, because we asked her if she's been reading the Book of Mormon, and she hadn't. So, we read a chapter with her, and encouraged her to read everyday, even if it's just a little bit. After we read, she was like, "Yeah, I'm really going to make the effort to read everyday." It was really neat, because it truly was because the spirit touched her and she recognized it, and she WANTS it. She wants that in her life! I have high hopes for Susan; the trick with her is just getting to actually see her and teach her...but we're being patient and relying on God's timing.
It really was a good week for us. A great start to the transfer! We just hope we can carry this enthusiasm throughout the rest of the transfer and actually get things moving here!
This week really has helped me to remember how important it is to trust in God's timing. We've been working and working so hard, lately, and there seemed to be nothing going on. But, this week is just proof that God is working on these people, and we just have to be here to facilitate it and help them recognize it. These people are going to get baptized, I KNOW it! It's just up to God when it happens - it's His timing, not Sister Root's timing. Because He obviously cares about their salvation so much more than I do, because He loves them so much more than I do. He knows when they're ready, when they understand, and when they're truly making changes that lead to true conversion. I've just gotta trust Him!
Man, this work is so awesome. I love it! Sometimes I begin to panic to think about how time seems to be rushing by so fast. But then I just think about how lucky I am to actually be serving! I love it! I'm so grateful to be out here!
Thank you all for what you do to support me and help me out here. I love you all! SO much!
Sister Beth Ann Root!
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