Hey all!
It has been a wonderful week! It's been super weird for Sister Bayles and I. As we were doing our weekly planning, Sister Bayles realized she was planning her last week in the mission...which made me realize that in 6 weeks I'd be doing the same thing. It's so odd for me to think about. I can't believe that it's ending for her and then soon after it ends for me...it makes for odd musings when I start to think about things. But it's helping me to make resolutions and decisions about the future.
Other than the annoying thoughts of going home soon, we've been greatly blessed. We had a way awesome exchange last week! Sister Bayles went with Sister Rea (I was a little bit jealous. Sister Rea has become one of my favorite people ever) and I went with Sister Liao. Sister Liao is from Taiwan, and she's in her 3rd transfer here. She speaks pretty good English, and she was way excited to hear that I had a brother who served in Taiwan! We talked about it for a little while. It was really neat to get to be with Sister Liao, though. She is probably one of the happiest and most optimistic people I know, and it helped to remind me the power of expectations. Elder Holland has said that we need to expect miracles to happen. And that's what Sister Liao does! A couple things fell through that day, and she was just like, "It will all work out!" It made me smile, because it's so true. It was a really good reminder for me to be a little bit more optimistic and positive about things. I love it when I get to learn and be reminded of things on these exchanges - and I love it most when it's from young missionaries, because it just goes to show that every missionary, no matter how young or how old, has something to offer, and has something we can learn from.
We've been teaching Isabel, a friend of a member who is visiting from Spain. She actual goes back today, but the past month that we've had to teach her have been very special to me. She said she was willing to meet with the missionaries in Spain, so we're super excited to give that referral. But, it was such a sweet tender mercy teaching her because of her openness to learning, and her sweet spirit. She never has been able to recognize the spirit, but it's been neat to see how it is still working within and even changing her, though she's not recognizing it. Teaching Isabel has also been a wonderful example of one of my favorite things of being a missionary: being able to feel the love that God has for people. I have felt such an incredible amount of love for Isabel. It's been such a treat to teach her, because of the feelings I feel as we are there. It still dumbfounds me to think how the spirit can fill me with such love for a person that I barely know. I love it!
Susan Emory, who decided she didn't want to get baptized is slowly changing, again. Her heart is softening. I have to keep reminding myself that it's God's timing and now ours. But, she came to church this week, and even told us she felt the spirit - it's good that she's recognizing it on her own! She's been reading and has been a lot more...mellow, I guess would be a good word. Last week, she was really...aggressive when we met with her. Pretty much refusing the spirit. Now, she is listening and accepting, again. I'm confident she'll get baptized, still, but we'll just have to be patient with her. I'm hoping she'll get baptized before I leave...but I'll just be happy to know she actually gets baptized.
And THEN! The highlight of the week. :) Jerry Whitman! He has decided to be baptized! He's not on date, yet, because apparently he made the official decision after we left the lesson, but his wife at church said she was talking to her sister on the phone and she told her Jerry was getting baptized, and Jerry just sat there with a big grin on his face! So, the next time we meet with him, we'll get a solid date set - and make sure he actually is committed and converted. But, we are so excited!
Things have been going well. And I think week 6 will be a week of miracles. It's gotta be, because it's Sister Bayles' last week! I love you all! Thanks for all that you do to support me and all you do for me!
Sister Beth Ann Root!
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