Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Letter from January 21st, 2014

Hey all!

Happy Civil Rights Day - one day late. Libraries were closed yesterday, so, obviously, I didn't get to email. It's been a good week! Although, one filled with opposition. We were anti-ed just about every single day this week. But, it was filled with a lot of good things, too! We had interviews with President and Sister Weaver (oh man, I love them SO much!), I spoke in church - and we had 5 investigators at church! - and we had one of our musical firesides that we were able to participate in.

Things are still moving along pretty well. We're working hard, and seeing miracles - even the smallest of miracles make a HUGE difference in this work! It was a blessing to see so many people at church, and all of them are progressing. IT truly is a joy to see each of these people learn and desire to learn more, and begin to make changes in their lives. Because that's the whole point of the Gospel, is change!

Interviews were wonderful, as always. Presdient Weaver is just filled with the spirit, and it exudes from him. He always says the most perfect things, and they are always filled with great amounts of love. I love people with him. He is alwyas so encouraging, and helps me know how to improve, and helps me understand how Heavenly Father feels about me.

The fireside this Sunday was absolutely beautiful. The spirit was so powerful. I can't even describe the feelings I felt. It made me so grateful to be a missionary. IT helped to renew that fire that drives me to share the Gospel. Music is such a powerful tool, adn mixed between the songs were testimonies of missionaries, sharing their testimony of the Savior. Few experiences are sweeter - except, maybe hearing the testimonies of investigators or converts and seeing people you love get baptized. But, as we sang, the spirit filled me. I couldn't help but be grateful that I made the decision to come on a mission. 9 months have gone by so fast. I'm on the downhill slide. I'm going to make every moment count, and I'm going to leave Washington - or, in missionary terms, "die" with the words on my lips, "I know that my Savior Jesus Christ lives, and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints IS His church!" Because it is this knowledge that can change lives, among many of the other things we teach. It is a Gospel of change, which means that every person who walks the face of this planet CAN CHANGE! It's the whole purpose of teh Atonement, is to give us the ability and the power to change to reach our fullest potential, to become like our Heavenly Father. IT is the purpose of His amazing grace. I am so grateful for it!

something else I have to share. Like I mentioned before, we have faced a lot of anti and a lot of oppositon this week. It is SO frustrating to have anti thrown at your face, or to talk with people who just want ot bible bash. Sometimes it's absolutely ridiculous, like someone saying the Book of Mormon isn't true because, obviously, hippotamouses never were on the american continent! Which...the Book of Mormon doesn't mention! So...clearly that person hasn't actually read what he's speaking so forcefully about. Many of the other things, I could show why we believe it and where the doctrine is taught in teh Bible, but I don't, because they won't listen and aren't ready for the information. And, occasionally, the come up with something that, I don't have words for. Whether they are lies, truths, things I know nothing about, it doesn't really mantter. It's really frustrating for me, because they tell me these things, expecting me to be shaken by the knowledge given to me, and are even concerned when I'm not shaken, but they don't listen to why, or they interrupt, because they clearly are feeling the spirit and want to deny it.

So, I have some advice. For everyone and anyone. When faced with anti, with ideas opposing what we believe and stand for, don't you dare start doubting! In the words of President Uchtdorf, "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith." Go back to that moment when you received a witness that the Book of Mormon is true. How do you know it is the truth? That is the key! It is the formula for not being swayed. Because teh Book of Mormon, if it's true, reveals three things to you: That Jesus Christ is our Savior, that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that tha Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's church. So, how do you know the Book of Mormon is true? Did the spirit reveal it to you? Then that answer came from God, and you don't have to doubt it. Nor should you doubt it. And it is true, then, through patience, study, and faith all other things will come to your understanding. Everything else will fall into place. Cling to that knowledge! Please! It breaks my heart to come across people, who are so sweet, so nice, and who have fallen away, who say they no longer believe it's true, because they read somethings, or heard something, and no one could explain it. Is teh Book of Mormon true? Then have faith that everything else will fall into place. Trust God, not the words and precepts of men.

Ok. My rant is over. I just really hate anti. But, it gives me greater conviction in my testimony. Every time I'm faced with it, my testimony is strengthedIt does the opposite of what it is designed to do. And I'm grateful for that.

Anyways. I love you all! Thank you for all that you do. Remember how worth it the Gospel is. I love it! And I love all of you!

Sister Beth Ann Root!

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