Monday, July 29, 2013

Letter from July 29th, 2013

Hey all!

I hope everything is going well back home. It's been an amazing week! SO many miracles that we'll have to work hard to make sure they don't go to waste. It's been super good for us. But, first things first; if I don't say this now, I'll forget. As of right now, I can no longer write letters except on P-day. President Weaver has switched it because greenies have been having some struggles. I know that's the rule for most missions, but it kind of makes me sad...especially since we don't normally make time to write letters on Pdays! It's going to make them even busier! But, I guess we'll see what happens.

We had an exchange this week, on Tuesday, and that kind of sparked everything. I stayed here in Shelton and Sister Douros went to Lacey. While here, Sister Scott and I had amazing success. Things fell through, but we were able to find productive things to do. And that kind of paved the way for a really productive week. We've found more new investigators and had more lessons than we have had in a long time. It was AMAZING! Sister Douros and I were so pumped throughout the week! We've been doing really good at getting lessons on people's doorsteps while tracting, and I've gotten better at opening my mouth. I still need to do a little bit better, but I think I've made A LOT of progress, and that makes me happy!

Things with Erica are still...kind of at a standstill. Her ex-husband, when he found out Matthew, their son, wanted to move back with Erica, got really, really angry. He's going to make things difficult. And Erica made it clear that she's not getting baptized before Matthew; she doesn't want that to be held over her in any way in court, which is completely understandable. But, it just requires a lot more faith from her. Sister Douros and I have been praying SO hard that it will work out! We know it can, but if her faith isn't strong enough, then it won't happen. I just really want her to get baptized before I leave Shelton. I'm pretty sure I won't be here for another transfer, as much as I would love to be here ANOTHER transfer with Douros...but the odds of that happening are very, very slim.

I've also been having some minor health problems that I'm trying to figure out...not to worry anyone (really, Mom. Don't worry too much.). I've been getting fevers and headaches pretty regularly, and the past few days, it's been progressing into lightheadedness and dizziness. The fever even brought me chills a few times. I know it's not dehydration, so I'm trying to figure out what it could be. I think it might be connected to something with food. I've noticed that, after practically every meal, I get what I call food coma. I get really tired. Sister Douros makes fun of me for it, but when Erica heard about it, she mentioned it might be something with sugars and the way my body digests it, something along those lines. and, if that's true, that might be affecting the fever and the headaches and everything. I'm going to see what happens the next couple of days, and if nothing gets better, I'm going to call Sister Weaver to see what she suggests I do - she's in charge of the medical stuff. I'm just tired of this slowing us down, because I had to take it easy on Saturday because of it. Though, I may just have to tough it out! We'll just see!

I don't really have much else to say's been a really good week, and we'll see how that transitions into this week. I love you all, and I'm so grateful for all of you support and love! Remember to send letters and emails when you can...;). Just remember that this missionary LOVES all of you! I'm learning so much out here, and it's been incredibly humbling each and every week as I think everything. I have SO much to learn, and so far to go, yet God still allows me to make differences in people's lives. Sister Douros pointed out yesterday that next transfer I'll hit my 6 month mark, and then I'll be 1/3 done with my mission...and that was SO weird to think about. I'm still not sure how I feel about that. I have so much work to do, so much to learn, to many people to teach, before I go home...I HAVE to put my all, every single day into this work!

I love you! Thanks for everything!

Sister Beth Ann Root!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Letter from July 22nd, 2013

Hey all!

It's been another crazy week, full of all sorts of miracles and crazy adventures. It amazes me what happens within a week. First and foremost, though, I have to thank you all for your prayers of protection. I was able to feel those prayers firsthand this week. Sister Douros and I had a sort of a...mishap on Wednesday. But, the Lord protected us.

The story is a bit of a funny least to us. We were at a potential investigator's door. His porch was wooden, and about 3 feet up. We're standing there, just having knocked on his door, and Sister Douros pokes at a weak board with her foot...and it breaks. Her foot falls through, and she loses her balance and starts to fall backward - there was no railing. So, she grabs for me, and I grab for her, to try to catch her. But, I end up losing my balance, too, and fall backwards, somehow landing at least 3 feet away from the porch. I hit the ground, and hear Sister Douros screaming for help, so I just back up, and see her hanging upside down, with her foot being the only thing keeping her from falling - and that was stuck pretty good in the porch. It, quite honestly, terrified me. I thought she was broken. I rush over to her, and try to lift her up, but we all know how much of a pansy I am, and I couldn't do it. But, suddenly, she was up, and she was able to get her foot free.

We walked away, her limping and leaning on my for support, and me realizing just how much my back, neck, and head hurt, and how dizzy I was. Sister Douros walked away from that, with just bruises and a swollen foot. I walked away from it with merely being a bit sore - and a shook up head for the rest of the day. We both could have - and SHOULD have been a lot more hurt. And, I know that when I was trying to lift Sister Douros up, I was not the one who lifted her. There was someone else there helping. We were protected. And it only slowed us down a little bit!

Even MORE important and amazing is...Erica is on date. For August 3rd. AND her 13 year old son! EVERYTHING has been working out for her. Everything she's been worried about is falling into place, and it's just proof to me that this work is the Lord's work. He cares about His children, and He will do anything for them to make it possible for them to be baptized. He desires them to be baptized. He loves each and every one of His children, and He makes it evident, if only we look for it. He takes the time to bless us with exactly what we need - maybe not what we want, but what we NEED!

And, it's all just further proof to me about how incredibly important it is for me to be out here, doing this work. Because people are ready. People need it. I've never felt such excitement about the work. Seeing the Lord do these things for Erica, I've never been more grateful to be the one to help someone towards the steps of baptism. Even more, I understand and KNOW that everything I could ever experience - falling off a porch, tears, sorrows, homesickness, anything and everything, it's worth it! It's SO worth it! And why is it worth it? Because it's true. Because it means people are being given the opportunity to, not only experience incredible joy in this life, but joy for ALL ETERNITY! I love it. I'm so grateful to be out here. I with ALL of you could understand what it was like. And, those of you who have been on missions, I hope you remember what it feels like! Haha I've been like on this high for the past 24 hours, since Erica told us!

I know this church is true. I know this Gospel is SO important. It's vital. Make sure you treasure and cling to it. If your testimony is wavering, kneel down and ask for reassurance. God WILL answer. I promise you! Remember who you are - and remember whose you are, too. I love you all! Thank you for everything you do. And don't forget to write or email! :)

Sister Beth Ann Root!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Letter from July 15th, 2013

Hey all!

Thank you for those who took the time to email me a little bit! It really meant a lot. It's been a really...rough week. Sister Douros and I have both been in this weird funk and we couldn't seem to get ourselves out of it. We had a couple of late nights, as we talked about it, and tried to figure things out. And then, we both ate some bad food (don't eat Chinese food from Safeway...a member fed us some, and we were MISERABLE) so that added to the chaos of the week. But, it truly is amazing to see the Lord's hand in all things, to see what happens when we petition to Him. Sunday, we some a series of miracles for one particular investigator, and it was absolutely amazing to see, and it was just the push that we need to get the two of us out of our funk.

Thursday, we had an...interesting adventure. We have a potential investigator who's a hoarder. The last time we stopped by her house, she made mention of wanting to get the washing machine that was on the porch into her house, but she had to clean up some stuff, first. (And by some was actually A LOT.) So, Sister Douros, being the kind soul that she is, offered to help her clean! So, Thursday, we stopped by to start cleaning. It took us an hour and a half, just to clean off her porch - and her porch is NOT very big. So, we filled up several trash bags, and much to our dismay, we found a dead cat. I won't get super descriptive...but it was disgusting and traumatizing. It had to have been there for several months. It put Sister Douros off of food for over 24 hours, and she didn't start feeling better until she saw a live cat the next day. It was really rough. We're actually going back next week to help again...I'm not much help, really. I just stand there and hold the garbage bag for Sister Douros. I'm too disgusted and overwhelmed by everything to be much help, but Douros is a trooper and is patient and says as long as I hold the trash bag for her, it's fine.

So, between our funks and our digestive problems, it's been a rough week. We've definitely had better. But, in reality it has strengthened our companionship even more; we have a greater trust and love than before, and we know we care about each others' growth. I think great things are going to happen in the next few weeks. We are going to see miracles! In fact, we already have seen miracles. Sunday was absolutely wonderful.

First, we had a recent convert, John, who hasn't been able to come to church because of work, show up, out of the blue. Now, we didn't any investigators come, which bummed us out, but that was a tender mercy for us, and a HUGE blessing for John.

Second, the people who were supposed to feed us for dinner weren't at church and I said something to a girl in the ward, Rachel Fry (she's 17 years old, and one of my favorite members in the ward) and she was like, "Just come over to our place for dinner!" So we talked to her mom and made the plans for dinner.

Third, the family who signed up to feed us originally actually WERE in town, so we ended up getting two dinners...

Fourth, when we out knocking doors, we were getting some pretty harsh rejections. I was getting frustrated, though I kept it to myself. And, we were super hot and thirsty, and Sister Douros was like, "PLEASE let someone offer us some cold water!" The next place where someone was home, they were nice, let us talk with them and pray with them (which meant we were able to get a lesson) and then offered us some water. It was pretty legit.

Fifth, when we went to the Fry's for dinner, we saw parked outside their house the car of one of our investigators, Erica. She was a referral from them from a couple months ago. She moved and had a baby, so we haven't been able to actually meet with her to teach her, since her life has been super chaotic. So, we go in and are able to talk with everyone a bit, and Erica was like, "Oh, Sister Root, will you sing that song you sang at church, and I wasn't able to hear?" (Did I tell you guys I sang at church? It was the last Sunday of my first transfer. I sang One Voice.) I happened to start carrying that song inside the Jon Schmidt piano book, which I kept in the car. So, I was able to sing it for her. The funny thing was, I remember when I was practicing the song before I sang it in church, I started thinking about Erica; she didn't show up to church when I sang it, so I dismissed the thought...but it turns out I was still able to sing it for her.

Sixth, Erica asked for a blessing. On her own accord. For herself and her kids. And, she invited us to be present as they were given. The blessings were very powerful. I was very grateful to be present. And then, after Erica received her blessing, Sister Douros looked at me and said, "We need to put her on date. She needs to be baptized." So, after everything was done and ready, we invited her to be baptized on August 3rd. She said she still wasn't sure if baptism was right - she had already been praying for it!! So, we told her to pray for that specific date. It's wonderful. She's so ready, she just needs to put her trust wholly in God. She has a lot of concerns about what might happen if she joins the church. I pray that the spirit will calm her fears and worries. Please pray for her, as she searches for her answer. She is an amazing woman, and I feel so much love and care for her. I want to see her, not only baptized, but go through the temple. She's ready, she needs it, and her KIDS need it. They are destined for great things, I feel it and I know it.

Ah, you guys, this work is incredible. It's hard, and I get homesick, and I get tired, and I lose motivation, but this work is REAL! Miracles have happened, more than I can count. The Lord is preparing these people. In reality, we have done nothing to help Erica; it's all been the Frys. I would encourage everyone who reads this, whether from email or from blog, to ready Elder Andersen's talk from last conference, entitled, "It's a miracle!" And then pray about how it applies to your life. Because there ARE people you are in contact with that the Lord is preparing to receive the Gospel. And missionaries need YOUR help to find the elect! They are out there, they are prepared, and they are waiting! They just need to be found!

I love you guys! This is the best work ever, and I'm so happy to be ourt here. Thank you for your love and your prayers. I love you so much!!

Sister Beth Ann Root!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Letter from July 8th, 2013

Hey all! I hope everything is going well for you all in the AZ! It's been an interesting week here in the WA-TAC. I was sick for the 4th of July and then Friday as well. It wasn't like a major thing, but it was enough to keep me from being able to go out...which was really frustrating. I had a pretty high fever - my forehead is normally a little bit warm, but it was burning up when I felt it, and when I'd go out for longer than like half an hour, my head would get really fuzzy, and I'd start feeling awful. Sister Douros eventually restricted me to the couch and would only let me get up to go to the bathroom. After a couple of hours, I couldn't sleep anymore, so I was going CRAZY!! And I hated the fact that we couldn't go out and see people. But we had some laughs.

Oh! By the way! Sister Douros and I get to stay together for another transfer, here in Shelton! We both are way excited! Sister Douros had a really hard time once she realized that she only has 4 transfers left. I can't even imagine what it must feel like. But, I think it's only strengthened her resolve to go out there and get some baptisms! But, really, I can't imagine what it must feel like to know that you're going home soon. It's funny, because when I lay in bed in the morning, as I try to get myself up at 6:30, I think about how I went to bed the night before, utterly exhausted. Sometimes after a hard day, I'm not particularly...cheery. But, every morning, I'm happy. And I know I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. No matter how hard it gets, I'm happy to be here. No matter what happens, I know this is the best thing ever, and I'm so, so, SO happy! I'm able to have fun and find the joy. I'm able to have sweet experiences. I'm able to feel peace. And it's the best!

So, yeah. This week was a bit rough and a bit slow. Either I was sick or everyone was away from home, having fun, so it was hard to be able to teach people. Sister Douros had a few adventures, though!

We had one awkward moment where, we were knocking doors and a lady let us into the house. She was super awesome - her name is Jade. Sister Douros has gone into the bathroom, so me and Jade talked for a little bit. I explained what it was like to be on a mission, and she asked me about my future plans and stuff. Then, when Sister Douros came back in, Jade looked at her and said, "I get the feeling that you're the partner in crime!" I don't know what you guys think that might mean...but I thought she meant that we were a couple...but Sister Douros didn't think so. So, she said, "Yup!" and then Jade said, "Oh, you two are a perfect match!" And then Sister Douros hit my knee. (Sister Douros is the kind of person that hits people. Affectionately, of course! But the hitting the knee just made things awkward.) And, of course, because I felt super awkward, I didn't speak up. I didn't know how to clarify things. So, I sat there the entire time, wondering how I could explain that we weren't a couple...but didn't say anything. so, when we left the house, I turned to Sister Douros and asked her, "So, when she said partners in crime, what exactly did you think she meant? Especially when she said we're a perfect match?" Her eyes got really big and she was like, "Oh my gosh!! I didn't think she meant THAT!!" And she literally drove back to the house, once we got to the car, and cleared it up with Jade. Apparently Jade DIDN'T mean we were a couple...which just made things even MORE awkward! But, it was definitely a hilarious experience. These experiences kind of define our companionship. We tend to have a lot of awkward things happen. I think it's why we get along so well. We just laugh and move on to the next awkward thing.

So...yeah. Honestly, that was one of the most eventful things that happened this week. We had some pretty awesome fireworks to see. We went on our roof - it sounds more dangerous than it is. We have two floors. There's a roof right outside the window, and that's what we sat one - to watch them. We didn't get to see the official ones done, because those started at like 10:30, but the neighbors did some AMAZING ones! People in Washington are allowed to do more than we are in Arizona. So we saw some legit fireworks. Sister Douros has a great love for this country. She definitely has lots of American pride, so we had a blast, even when I was stuck at home. In fact, her family sent her a package of happiness on Wednesday, because of it. It was PACKED with all sorts of goodies. AND a flag! Which, we proceeded to stick out of the car as we drove to show everyone our American pride. We got a lot of laughs, which was pretty great. But, truly, I'm grateful to be in this country, where we have the rights and freedoms that we do. A lot of people complain that we're going downhill. That our rights are being taken away. But, they forget how privileged we are compared to much of the world. It's the problem with our society. We're so used to the things that we have, we don't think about the people who DON'T have them, and then we think we're entitled to more than we already have. We forget the importance of gratitude!

Anyways, I've got to go. But...I was a bit bummed out when I got on my email today and didn't see very many fact, I just had one from Mom. And Sister Ferrell. And SHE has less time than all of you! Hahaha! But, really. Last time I asked for even just two lines of an email. Which takes like...two minutes. It means a lot to here from everyone. Letters are amazing. But, emails can be just as good. I would LOVE letters from you all, but. please, at least an email. Of two lines. I know you guys don't have a lot of time. I get that. But...I miss you all and would like to hear from you. Even if it's just TWO LINES!!! Hahaha my companion has gotten to the point where she feels bad when she gets emails and letters! And, I don't want to sound, like, needy. But...hey. I am. We're all a little bit needy. And I would like to hear from my peeps.

I truly do love you all, and I AM grateful for all that you do. I know you do a lot for me, and I appreciate that. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful by asking to hear from you guys. I just want to know what's going on, ya know! I love you! Keep being awesome! Go to the temple, those who can. It's the best!

Peace out, yo!

Sister Beth Ann Root!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Letter from July 1st, 2013

Hey all!

Well, it's been another week. Can you believe that I'm in my 12th week out in the field? Sister Douros and I are freaking out that this is the last week of the transfer, but President Weaver very slyly let us know that we'd both probably be staying put, much to our happiness. He said that we're only getting 3 new sisters this transfer, so there wouldn't be a whole lot of sisters moving around. In my letters to him, I had been begging to stay with Sister Douros for another transfer, so I'm pretty confident I'll get my wish. But, we'll find out this Saturday! Transfers are next Tuesday, so I'll let you know what will happen next week!

It's been pretty warm up here - yesterday got to the 90's. And heat here is pretty miserable. Not very many people have A/C, plus it's more humid than Arizona's dry heat, so I'm dying! Plus, Washington people get kinda cranky when it's hot...I've never had such a miserable time knocking doors than yesterday afternoon. I'm pretty sure I picked the worst street to knock, especially in the heat. We had a couple people mocking us about halfway down the street. I haven't had a worse experience knocking, and Sister Douros said in her year out, she hasn't met a whole street of such mean people. Yesterday just wasn't a fun day, after church. But church was amazing! We were asked to give talks, and then spur of the moment, asked to give the lesson in Young Women. It's was awesome. You all know how much I love giving talks; luckily I don't freeze up like I do at doorsteps, so I felt like I was able to give a powerful talk - hopefully with my talk and Sister Douros' combined, we can get the ward pumped for missionary work! Sister Douros and I have made the goal to get the ward as involved in what we do as possible.

We've had a couple of neat experiences, despite the slowness of this week - not much progress happened this week and Sister Douros' allergies were super bad, so it's been a hard week - so it's been pretty cool. Monday, after our P-Day had ended, and we were ready to go out knocking doors for an hour, we had an awesome experience. We had just gotten out of our car, when we saw a young man walking by, a little ways off. Sister Douros calls to him, saying, "Hey! You want to hear a message about Jesus Christ?!" The kid pauses and says, "Why not? I have time?" and walks up to us. We visit with him a little bit, and then Sister Douros looks at me and says, "Take it away, sis!" And, nervously, I delved into the Plan of Salvation. was amazing! Drake LOVED it! He said it made sense. We were able to get him to recognize the spirit, which was so powerful at that time. It was wonderful! Definitely an example of the Lord's perfect timing. This IS HIS work, and He will place missionaries and the elect right where they need to be so they can meet and doctrine can be taught and the spirit can be present, so lives can be changed. It's truly amazing to be a part of it!

Later on in the week, we had another pretty cool experience. We were out knocking doors, and we had pretty much no success. No one even remotely interested. Then, we happened across this lady walking her dogs. We talked to her for a little bit, and came to find out that she was less-active, with two less-active daughters, and another adopted daughter who wasn't baptized. She wasn't very interested...she had a little bit of bitterness towards the church - though, she was very nice to us - but wasn't unwilling to let her daughters participate in some activities we invited them to, if they wanted to go. I'm hoping the daughters will come back, and through them we'll be able to teach the adopted daughter. And I want the mom to come back, too! I think it's silly when people stop coming because they feel people didn't do what they were supposed to, or toes got stepped on. The Gospel is true and perfect - but the people aren't! And people need to accept that. We are given our agency for a reason, and it makes me sad - and a little bit frustrated - when people can't seem to accept that. They ask why God will let things happen to innocent people, and some of them can't grasp it's because God respects EVERYONE'S agency equally. If He's not going to stop you from choosing to yell at someone, He's not going to stop another person from killing. While killing is a horrible thing, it's still a matter of choice, and God respect our choices. And, we have to ultimately hold out on the knowledge, and hope, that people will be judged according to their actions. It's just that today is not that day, and we have to accept God's timing, and have an eternal perspective. I'm SO grateful for having an eternal perspective! It makes life SO much easier, so much less bitter, and the experiences so much more worth it!

We have a couple people on the edge of baptism - we just have to be able to see them regularly, and get them to church! Both things we've been struggling with seeing happen. Hopefully a bit more progress will be made this week. If I do end up getting transferred, I want to see tons of miracles before I leave Shelton! This place is AMAZING!

Well, I love you all. Thanks for your support and your love. And...I have a request...I know you all are busy, but if you could find the time to just send a quick email - or better yet a letter! - I would really appreciate it. Not only from family, but from friends, too. I know my response time isn't the quickest, but I try to respond as quick as possible. Letters are like having a birthday, and make hard days a little bit brighter. Or even, if you can send me an email that's like two sentences long, I would love to hear from you! Love you all! Till next week!

Sister Beth Ann Root!