Monday, July 22, 2013

Letter from July 22nd, 2013

Hey all!

It's been another crazy week, full of all sorts of miracles and crazy adventures. It amazes me what happens within a week. First and foremost, though, I have to thank you all for your prayers of protection. I was able to feel those prayers firsthand this week. Sister Douros and I had a sort of a...mishap on Wednesday. But, the Lord protected us.

The story is a bit of a funny least to us. We were at a potential investigator's door. His porch was wooden, and about 3 feet up. We're standing there, just having knocked on his door, and Sister Douros pokes at a weak board with her foot...and it breaks. Her foot falls through, and she loses her balance and starts to fall backward - there was no railing. So, she grabs for me, and I grab for her, to try to catch her. But, I end up losing my balance, too, and fall backwards, somehow landing at least 3 feet away from the porch. I hit the ground, and hear Sister Douros screaming for help, so I just back up, and see her hanging upside down, with her foot being the only thing keeping her from falling - and that was stuck pretty good in the porch. It, quite honestly, terrified me. I thought she was broken. I rush over to her, and try to lift her up, but we all know how much of a pansy I am, and I couldn't do it. But, suddenly, she was up, and she was able to get her foot free.

We walked away, her limping and leaning on my for support, and me realizing just how much my back, neck, and head hurt, and how dizzy I was. Sister Douros walked away from that, with just bruises and a swollen foot. I walked away from it with merely being a bit sore - and a shook up head for the rest of the day. We both could have - and SHOULD have been a lot more hurt. And, I know that when I was trying to lift Sister Douros up, I was not the one who lifted her. There was someone else there helping. We were protected. And it only slowed us down a little bit!

Even MORE important and amazing is...Erica is on date. For August 3rd. AND her 13 year old son! EVERYTHING has been working out for her. Everything she's been worried about is falling into place, and it's just proof to me that this work is the Lord's work. He cares about His children, and He will do anything for them to make it possible for them to be baptized. He desires them to be baptized. He loves each and every one of His children, and He makes it evident, if only we look for it. He takes the time to bless us with exactly what we need - maybe not what we want, but what we NEED!

And, it's all just further proof to me about how incredibly important it is for me to be out here, doing this work. Because people are ready. People need it. I've never felt such excitement about the work. Seeing the Lord do these things for Erica, I've never been more grateful to be the one to help someone towards the steps of baptism. Even more, I understand and KNOW that everything I could ever experience - falling off a porch, tears, sorrows, homesickness, anything and everything, it's worth it! It's SO worth it! And why is it worth it? Because it's true. Because it means people are being given the opportunity to, not only experience incredible joy in this life, but joy for ALL ETERNITY! I love it. I'm so grateful to be out here. I with ALL of you could understand what it was like. And, those of you who have been on missions, I hope you remember what it feels like! Haha I've been like on this high for the past 24 hours, since Erica told us!

I know this church is true. I know this Gospel is SO important. It's vital. Make sure you treasure and cling to it. If your testimony is wavering, kneel down and ask for reassurance. God WILL answer. I promise you! Remember who you are - and remember whose you are, too. I love you all! Thank you for everything you do. And don't forget to write or email! :)

Sister Beth Ann Root!

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