Monday, August 18, 2014

Letter from August 18th, 2014

Hey all!

Well...I don't really know what to even think about this last week. I feel like I blinked and it was over! By the time it was Saturday, I was completely shocked, and I didn't know where the time had gone. We did two exchanges and had a zone conference, which is why it went by so quickly.

The first exchange was with Sister Brewster. It was odd to go with her, since we were companions a few transfers ago. It was neat though, to see the little ways she has already begun to change. They were very subtle changes, but I feel like that's generally the changes we make on the mission. Definite changes, for sure, but not outside changes. Enough change that most people who know you will notice, but may not be able to put their finger on, unless they look a little bit more on the inward character.

Then we had zone conference. It was way good! The Blatters did it a little bit differently; we had breakout sessions where we broke into the three zones and went to different little workshops. Sister Bayles and I were asked to help with one of the workshops, so we didn't get to actually receive the training that everyone else did...which was a little bit sad, but it was fun all the same! The training was on open your it was a little bit ironic that Sister Bayles and I were put in charge of that one. We all know how shy I am, and I still will sometimes struggle with it. But, it was really fun. We did some roleplays, and it was a good time. It mostly was just hilarious to see the interactions between the missionaries.

Then, right after zone conference, we did another exchange. I went with Sister Rasmussen. She's a little greenie, who has been out for about 4 weeks. It actually was the first time that I've worked with someone who had been out for less than a transfer! It was a really neat experience, though. She's got the makings of a really good missionary - in fact, she already is. I loved getting to work with her, though; I made the point to trust her. I expected things of her, which I know a lot of greenies don't always get. And it was always really neat that, as I would pause in my teaching or in my talking, she would always step up and speak. It was really cool to see the way she taught, too. She is definitely putting thought into what she is saying; you can tell that she is thinking. She'll take the time to pause and anybody who is listening to her can see that it's not just some rote presentation, but that it's meaningful. Her trainer, Sister Allred, does the same exact thing. I think it's a very important thing to do as we talk with people in any situation. We don't just talk and talk and talk, or recite a memorized idea; when we respond to people, do we just plow through without taking the time to take in their thoughts and the things they say, so that we can give a proper and thoughtful response. I hope to be able to apply her example into my teaching, because that is the way for people to trust you, and I want people to trust me! I want people to be able feel that they can trust me with their thoughts, as well as trust the things that I say.

Susan Emory is no longer on-date - she's not quite sure she wants to be baptized anymore. That was a rough blow. She essentially said that she didn't want to live the commandments. It made me so sad, because she was on fire! It was such a drastic change! And it makes me sad because she is never going to find happiness in the life that she is leading. We had stake conference this week, and Elder Richard Hansen from the Seventy came. In the Sunday morning session, he made the statement, "The secret to happiness is to keep the covenants which you have made." If Susan never makes those covenants, she is never going to experience a fullness of joy. there is happiness to be found, but there is so much more. And the making and keeping of those covenants is what is necessary for experiencing that! That's why there are missionaries! To help people perform ordinances that signify that those covenants have been made.

Man. It's been quite a week. But, it's been a week of mostly good things. :) There are just two more weeks of this transfer, and that is so odd to me! Just two more exchanges. Haha, I've come to measure my time in exchanges more than weeks. They often are the highlight of my week. :) I have loved this time of being an STL. I think these last transfers will be the highlight of my mission, because of being an STL. It's brought a different element to my work. It's so different have responsibility over more than just your area. I have 12 extra sisters that I have stewardship over. And man, do I love those 12 sisters! IT's such a joy to see them progress, so see THEM have success, to see the joy that they are experiencing, to see the love they have for their missions, and to gain these friendships that I know will last longer than just my time in the WA-TAC. I love it!

I love you all! Thanks for everything that you have done for me! The love and the support! I'm so grateful that I am able to be here, and I'm grateful for those of you who have made it possible for me to be here. I hope you all have a great week! Notice the miracles, and don't forget to thank God for them. they happen each and every day, if you keep your eyes open! Love ya!

Sister Beth Ann Root!

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