Monday, October 14, 2013

Letter from October 14th, 2013

Hey all!

It has been another fantastic week! A lot of good stuff is going on, and I can't wait to see it all pan out. We have 3 people on date right now; Grace Teeters, Taylor Murphy, and Aydan Summers. Grace and Taylor are getting baptized this Friday (Or, at least, should be. But I'm not too worried!) And then Aydan is getting baptized on Noember 9th. We have another man, Steve Melton who is...dragging his feet. But he'll get baptized. He just is taking longer than some. And then, we're going to be teaching a young man in the YSA ward; he's a referral, and I think he's super solid. I'm pretty hopeful about him. It's so awesome to see what's going on in these two wards. It's incredible to be a part of the process, and I'm so grateful for this opportunity.

It's beginning to get a little chilly here - though, this week, we should be getting a good amount of sunshine! I've never been so grateful for the sun! But, it gets dark really early now, which makes knocking doors form 5-7 a little bit...interesting. Port Orchard doesn't believe in sidewalks. Or street lights. But, it's good. We might end up not knocking doors anymore, at least in this area while it's dark. There's been A LOT of safety issues in missions throughout the world. President and Sister Weaver are very concerned for our safety, especially since there are so many younger missionaries now, and...well, we all know how the prefrontal cortex isn't completely developed so thinking through things doesn't always, sometimes dumb things are done, and they are disastrous. But, don't worry! Sister Johnson and I have been cautious and safe! Nothing is going to happen to us, because we're taking care of ourselves and being obedient.

Sorry this is going to be a short email...I'm actually not real sure of what to write. It's been one of those weeks that has been super busy, but at the same time, I feel like I haven't done anything! But, that's ok! Good things are happening. Sister Johnson and I are getting along really well - though, sometimes I get cranky in the morning...and have to apologize...haha. But, I've really grown to love her a lot over the past almost 2 weeks, and we're having a blast together. We're working hard, but playing hard as well, and I'm excited for the rest of this transfer - and praying that we'll stay together another transfer. Added prayers to this cause would be appreciated. :) haha, but really! I'm learning a lot from her, and I'm pretty sure we're going to be eternal friends. Sometimes I feel like I came here to the WA-TAC to meet some of the missionaries - not just the people I teach. It's really neat to see how Heavenly Father places people into our paths.

Anyways. The Gospel is true. The Atonement is real. Jesus Christ loves you! I'm so glad to be a part of this work. It still blows my mind that I'm out here, as a legit full-time missionary! I was sitting in a lesson with Taylor this last week, and had a flashback to when I would help with lessons with the sisters in Flagstaff, and I was just like, "Whoa. This is ME this time! When did that happen?!" It was really cool. I'm SO glad to be here. I'm grateful for this time; for the things I'm learning, for the people who touch my life, for the spirit I feel, for the growth I am making. It's a blessing in my life, and Im' so grateful for all of you who have helped me in this endeavor. I love you all! Thanks for all that you do!

Sister Beth Ann Root!

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