Monday, December 30, 2013

Letter from December 30th, 2013

Hey all!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I know I did. It was great to be able to talk with some family, and then spend time with some members. I appreciate the letters that I received from people. It really helped to make the day special for me, and I plan on writing everyone back - it'll just take a little bit of time! I have a LOT of letters to write, and so little time! And my companion likes to play hard on our preparation day (me too) so, with getting ourselves ready for the week, and then trying to play, finding time to write letters is really difficult. But, they'll get written, I promise! :)

We were able to see Lorna baptized this Saturday, and then be confirmed on Sunday. It was absolutely beautiful! She just absolutely glows with the Spirit, and it's so evident to me that she has a sincere desire to follow her Savior, and to do what's right. I love her! She is so precious. That's really the only word I can think of to describe her.

We visited with Sally this week - I think I've mentioned her before. Her husband is actually a less active member; we just don't have his records in our ward. Sally is genuinely interested in learning more; she implied that she's content with where she is at, that she's comfortable with her relationship with God, but she keeps asking questions and is curious. She has commited to read the Book of Mormon and to pray about it. She is seeking answers, and she expressed that sometimes she feels bad that her children never were baptized. So, we're hoping we will be able to continue teaching her, and that we'll have the opportunity to teach her children as well. I really would love to teach a family; it's why I'm out here, really. To help families to be eternal! By teaching this family, there's the chance that the husband will then become active again. They will all be able to progress together, and then they all can be sealed together in the temple. That's truly the ultimate goal: the temple! Baptism is great, but it is not all there is. Just as the scriptures say, it is the gate to the straight and narrow. Once we enter that gate, we still have to endure to the end, by keeping on, working hard, keeping the commandments, and making MORE covenants with God - like the covenants we make in the temple! They are SO important! I can't wait for the day where I will get to see someone I love - even someone I taught - go to the temple to make those sacred covenants. It would make my heart sing!

New Years is coming up in just a couple of days. I've been thinking a lot about goals. Yesterday, I read this wonderful talk that was given a few years ago at General Conference; it was titled, "What manner of man ought ye to be" or something like that - based off of the scripture 3 Nephi 27:27 (scripture mastery, yo!) that talks about not only "to do" lists, but also "to be" lists. I've been thinking about that a lot. It's a really good talk, that I think all of you should read. In fact, I'm going to give you a missionary promise (missionary promises are legit. You can bank on this happening.) That talk is all about how we can become more like Christ. It gave me a lot to think about. It openned my understanding. It helped the spirit to teach me things and bring things to my awareness that I needed to know. I promise, each and every one of you reading this, that if you read that talk, with a prayerful heart, with a sincere desire to know what Heavenly Father would have you know, you will be given knowledge that will help you know Heavenly Father's plan for you. You will know what you need to become - and how you can become that. You will know not only what you should do, but who you should be. It definitely was the case for me.

You know, that's the crazy thing about being on a mission, is that I'm so aware of WHO I am. Of who I am becoming. Of who I was before. Being is as essential as doing. You need both. You need to do, and you need to be, and then you reach your potential. And it's a constant process. Instead of making my goals this year simply a "to do" list, it's really more of a "to be" list. And then, I make plans on what I can do to help me become that. Set goals and then make plans to reach those goals. Two things I was always really bad at. Suddenly, it's all I do! Crazy stuff.

Anyway. I feel like I'm rambling now. But, you guys. Make this New Year matter. Make 2014 significant! How? By becoming! Make plans and set goals to become who Heavenly Father sees you becoming over the next year. As we do this, it is essential to pattern our lives after the Gospel. After all, it is through applying those 5 simple steps - faith in Christ, repentance, baptism (or making and renewing covenants), the gift of the Holy Ghost (and keeping ourselves worthy of its influence), and enduring to the end - that we are able to access that power of the Atonement. The redeeming power and the enabling power. I've felt both those powers often in the past 9 months of my life. It's the best! I love it! I love the Gospel! I love my Savior. I love that He's my brother and best friend, and He sees my potential in me, so I can go to Him, and be reminded of it.

I love you all. Thank you for all you do. Being out here is the best. I love it!

Sister Beth Ann Root!

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